Friday, November 14, 2008

Leaf Blowing

Those yard maintenance workers make it look so simple with their big leaf blowers. They walk along swishing that blower back and forth leaving a leaf-free swath in their wake.

I am here to tell you leaf blowing is not that easy. When I use our leaf blower, the leaves fly in front of me, to the side of me, and yes, somehow they even fly behind me. I feel like I'm in a Three Stooges episode and possibly entertaining everyone in the whole neighborhood as they watch me from their windows, laughing great big snort laughs.

It should not be that hard to blow leaves into a nice neat pile.

The rake is not much better, but for some reason, when I'm using the crazy leaf blower and leaves are flying randomly, the rake seems like a more efficient tool for the job. In some ways it is, but not in the way that would render my yard leaf free in 15 minutes or less.

The ultimate insult is when the wind picks up and leaves start falling off the trees onto spots already blown/raked. Rude!

Raking leaves is work and there is no easy way to do it. A leaf blower might make things easier, but it's still work.

I need a nap.


Debbie said...

I've never tried a leaf blower but greg is a master! He blows all the leaves into one pile and then he reverses the blower into a vacumn, adds a bag and sucks up all the leaves!

He thinks it's a black and decker model. He says having the blower/sucker combo is key! ;)

Afton said...

Tried the blowing AND sucking this weekend and this is the conclusion I've come to. I think the best method is a combo of raking, blowing, picking up by shovel or hand, then sucking the last bits off the ground for a sparkling, leaf free surface.

When I tried to suck the big pile of leaves, it took a long time. I could have scooped the stuff up faster. Then when I went to dump the bag of sucked up leaf bits, I came very close to spilling it. It was touch and go there for a while.

Anyway, after hours of work, our yard looked amazing. Then more leaves fell overnight.

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