Sunday, November 13, 2011

In Which I Second Guess the Two LEGO Kits I Have Stashed Under the Bed

Jonah's Christmas List
(Because I will probably lose the actual list at some point in the next six weeks.)

Dear Santa,
I want the following items 

1. a surprize
2. a hex bug kit
3. a tin (of Pokemon cards)
4. remote control Beyblade

In stocking I want
1. a hex bug
2. Pokemon pack
3. anything small

p.s. 2, 3 and 4 will cost >$4
p.s. Go to Target


Chelsea said...

Okay, that is adorable. I love your boys!!

a said...

Dear Santa,
Last year Costco carried Hexbug mega set just incase your elves are tired.