Friday, July 6, 2007

Bring It!

I got my renewal notice for the Reader's Digest today. If I renew right away, I get to give a FREE gift subscription to the person of my choice. Well, I just can't figure out who to give this fabulous gift (and years of junk mail) subscription to. Allyson and Angela have both been recipients of my Reader's Digest gift subscriptions in the past and I thought of maybe bestowing it on one of them again.

Then I had the great idea. I love when people comment on my blog. Personally, I don't think you all comment enough. So here's the deal: Leave a comment and tell me why you think you should get a FREE one year subscription to the Reader's Digest and I will choose one of you to receive the gift subscription.

I can't guarantee that the RD people won't pester you for the next several years with unwanted junk mail, but you will receive a really nice magazine with all kinds of fun info, articles, jokes and a vocabulary quiz every month for a year. Woo hoo!


A. Hunter said...

Don't give it to me. I don't have time to read it. Give it to Andrew. I was completely surprised to find Andrew reading each magazine cover to cover last time I had the gift subscription. He has very few things that are HIS own and bring him so much happiness. This is one of them. So, give it to him.

Catherine said...

I say give it to Andrew too. I like me some RD every now and then, but right now I'm under the junk mail radar and that's how I want to keep it.

Afton said...

OK, it looks like Andrew is going to win this fabulously popular contest of mine. If anyone else is out there, I need to admit that I did misrepresent myself just a little in this post. I actually can give three, one year gift subscriptions to Reader's Digest, so there's no reason to feel like our firefighter hero, Andrew, is going to lose out if you want one too. Just let me know.

Senia said...

Why I Should Receive the Reader's Digest subscription
By Senia Jutila

There are many reasons why I believe I should be a recipient of your gift subscription. First of all, receiving the magazine at school would brighten my day when I see what there is mail in my box. Regardless of what it is. Secondly, if I found time to read it (Questionable) we could exchange e-mails using our new fancy-schmanzy vocab quiz words and we would both know what we were talking about without having to open a tab. Finally, receiving the subscription would provide a poor college student with valuable table coasters, scratch paper, etc.
Clearly, there are many reasons why I should be the recipient of your gift subscription(s). Thank you for your consideration.

(And the final reason would be that spending so much time on this comment shows that I am definitely nerdy enough to read Reader's Digest.)

Afton said...

First Senia, how do you get a TAB...I want one.

Second, I also enjoyed RD in college. Coasters, yes, doorstop, sometimes, and even on the sometimes occasion when a roommate would forget to, (how do I say it?) buy the Charmin. Who am I kidding? What college student has enough dough for name brand TP? It was generic 1 ply all the way and much more absorbent than...well, you know.