Friday, April 20, 2012

Twinkie Mom

I've wanted to make homemade Twinkies for a while, and today I had a little time on my hands, so I went for it. I found this recipe online and luckily they had great instructions for making individual baking vessels. (And yes, I did realize this was a moment of crazy--making little baking vessels out of aluminum foil--but it's not like I was making my own goldfish crackers.)

Here's the finished product. You might notice that one Twinkie doesn't quite fit on the plate. So sad. I had to eat it. As for the rest of the family, I'm making them wait for dessert to try a Twinkie for themselves. 

One downside, the recipe made about twice as much cream filling as we needed, so now I have a good amount of extra cream that seems just too good to toss. What to do?

On a side note, I was listening to a Radiolab podcast about Fritz Haber while making these yummy cakes. But, I'm wondering if from now on, Twinkies will forever be associated with chemical warfare in World War I. 


Natalie said...

So... how did they taste? Were they amazing? So worth all the trouble? Come on... out with it!

Afton said...

Everyone loved them. I think I might make another batch to use up my leftover creme filling. Yum!

I-Shüan said...

You had to make individual foil pans for each one!? Now I feel guilty for scarfing one down in about 2 seconds.
Did you save the pans? :-)

Afton said...

the foil vessels get kind of trashed after one use.