Sunday, November 17, 2013

Update on The New Program

The New Program is so over.

Jonah was the only one dutifully recording his reading/homework/exercise hours each week and I have a feeling he was being generous with himself because he'd easily earn over 20 hours of screen time a week. With the buy back program, he'd end up with around $10 a week, which I thought was ridiculous. And then he'd play screen from 7am until I told him to go to bed, even if it was longer than his allotted time.

Isaac was writing down his hours, but he wasn't doing much homework/reading/studying. Somehow, he ended up with just as much screen time on Saturday as Jonah did, sans the money.

Ethan. We all just pretended Ethan was participating. He never wrote down any time, but he always ended up with a full day of screen on Saturday. In fact, the screen days were stretching beyond even 12 hours!

So I finally said Enough! We are going back to the old way. Screen can start at 9am and end at 8pm. No saving, no earning more, no getting money, no carrying over to next week.

So far I like this new, old program.

Except it's Sunday and I think everyone is upstairs playing Wii.

But it's quiet!

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