Friday, March 2, 2012

First Lines Redux

Once again, I ask for your feedback on novel first lines.

Which book would you choose to read based on the following first lines:

1. The moment she saw the young man walking down the darkened hall  toward her, twirling his walking stick, Finley Jayne knew she'd be unemployed before the sun rose.

2. I am seven years old. My father takes me to a witch burning.

3. Ruth Ackroyd was in the garden checking the rhubarb when the RAF Spitfire accidentally shot her chimney pot to bits.

4. She could not remember a time when she had not known the story; she had grown up knowing it.

5. I wait. They keep us in the dark for so long that we lose sense of our eyelids.

6. "Margaret called today."
    Dr. Hemler shifts in his chair. "And did you speak with her?"
    I shake my head and blow on my hands. His office is always so cold.


Hykel said...

2. I am seven years old. My father takes me to a witch burning.

Samurai Mom said...

Ruth Ackroyd all the way. If you don't write that story and let me read it I will be wounded forever.

Natalie said...

Ruth Ackroyd