Here I am at 2 years old. I know because it's the only picture with anything written on the back. There is something very
Mary Tyler Moorish about this picture. I look like I'm ready to take on the world. Either that or I just saw a pretty bird fly by.

The candles on the cake tell me I'm three. The poinsettia on the counter top tells me my mom hung on to Christmas decor a full month after Christmas.
Here I am on my 4th birthday in a fetching outfit. I can tell you the pink fabric was some kind of velour, and that the white lacy thing is a cravat, and that my mom made the whole ensemble.

I don't know where my early school pictures went. Let's just say they were so cute my mom gave them all out. I think this might be 3rd grade and I remember hating the picture intensely (because I thought the fold in my turtleneck, across the chest, made it look like I was getting boobies.)

Although this was probably a retake of my 3rd grade picture, I'm going to call it 4th grade. I have nothing more to say about it.

I call this 5th grade picture, "The Many Facets of Afton." I'm happy, I'm pensive, I'm cheerful, I'm thoughtful. Why don't they do school pictures like this anymore? It's a travesty.

In 6th grade several things became clear. I needed a better hairstyle and I needed braces. "You looked like a boy" was the comment Isaac made when he saw this picture. I remember I got that necklace at Fetch's in Lakeview, Oregon and loved it because it was the first personalized thing I'd ever had. (It had an 'A' on it.)

I do believe this picture makes a case for perms. This was 8th grade and I remember thinking this was one of the best school pictures I'd ever taken. You know when your friends would get their pictures back and be embarrassed to show anyone and act all put out like it was the worst picture ever? Well, I had a hard time pulling that act off this year. What can I say?

Freshman year I wanted to go for the preppy look and wear my collar up but my mom was convinced an upturned collar was the first step on the road to h - e - double toothpick. (I was her first child, you see). Although there were plenty of days I wore my collar down when I left the house but put it up when I got to school (total rebel) I could not wear it up in this picture because I knew the photographic evidence of my disobedience would be forever preserved.

My sophomore year I cut my own hair. Mullets are one of the easier styles to self cut.

Junior year I went with this lovely blue sweater vest ensemble by Esprit. I did not buy it at the outlet, but paid full price at Macy's. Also, I had finally gone to see a real hair stylist and gotten a super trendy short haircut. This is the haircut after it had spent 5 months growing out.

Ahh! The Senior picture. So much to say and so little space. The perm had to be perfectly timed so that it was neither too kinky or too relaxed. The make-up took an hour to apply. The tan (yes, that's me with a tan) could not show any lines. And then the excruciating decision between the white fur and the blue feathers. And finally, on the way to the photography studio, I backed into my grandparents new Cadillac and burst into a fit of tears.

This was my freshman year at BYU. I had the best roommate. Marina let me borrow her sweater and her earrings for this picture. I do believe she borrowed my clothes for her picture.
I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing with you! Seriously, loved the esprit outfit and the feathers. So was your hair red? I have so many pictures where I looked like a boy. It was the nature of the clothing. I have one daughter that wont wear anything fancy and one that has to have sparkly stuff everywhere....and I too want them to return to the whispy side shot...HeHe. By the way, The Farrah Faucett hairdo...I had one too and it's my favorite picture. Lets bring it back into style...I dare you!
I have never colored my hair until recently and then, only to cover the grey. I don't know where the reddish hair came from. It must have been the California sun. I remember my parents were very surprised to see how dark my hair was when I came back from my mission in Alaska. Maybe the lack of sunlight does that. Or maybe it's just age?
OR!!! Maybe I used Sun-In. I remember my friends were using it, but I was afraid to.
You popped collar rebel. Lol
I always know I can count on you for a good laugh Afton! I never used Sun-In but took the cheaper route and used peroxide. Big mistake. Between that and my perms my hair was so fried. I refuse to ever let my girls get a perm. You were quite the stylish one! I like to think I was stylish back then but you have me beat by far!
I think I had the exact same hairstyle in 8th grade! And yet, I believe I'm ancient compared to you! What a great post!!!!
Those pictures are fantastic!
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